Birtley East Community Primary School

Year 5

Spring Term Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are refreshed and ready to begin a new term in Year 5. A new year brings new and exciting opportunities. This term we will be learning lots of new things and will hopefully have some new experiences to enjoy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can make an appointment via the office or feel free to approach myself or Mrs Ward on the yard.


Homework will be given out weekly on a Monday and should be returned by the following Monday. Homework will be set for English and maths each week alongside reading, spelling and Times Table Rockstars practice. Sometimes the homework will be set on Doodle and other times it will be set on Seesaw. All homework will be set during class time and you will log in your homework diaries what needs to be completed.


Our PE days are on a Tuesday, which this year focuses on swimming. The children will be going swimming at Birtley Leisure Centre pool. They will need to bring their costume, a towel and a pair of swimming goggles. We will walk to the swimming baths and walk back to school so please remember to wear warm and appropriate clothing/footwear. You are welcome to collect your child from the swimming baths however, you must inform a member of the Year 5 team no later than Tuesday morning. If you are collecting your child, you must arrive at the swimming baths no later than 2:45 as we must have a quick dismissal and can not wait in the building. We have a responsibility to keep the other members of the class safe and also need to take them back to school in time for the end of the day. 


This term you will be learning:

English – Story Sequel, biography. 

Maths – Converting units, shape,

Geography – Rainforests in South America

Science – Forces

RE – What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?

Computing – Video editing 

Music – South and West Africa

PE – Swimming

French – Numbers 50-70, shopping in the town, weather 

PSHE – Dreams and Goals

Art – Lucienne Day

Thank you

Mrs Spencer and Mrs Ward

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