Birtley East Community Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1, we work with a negotiated curriculum whereby the children have areas of continuous provision in the classroom to learn in during the day which contain challenges and tasks for them to complete. The children will do this when they are not working in a small group with the adults in the room.

This half term we will be reading “Charlie’s Walk” in English and writing our own short stories. In Maths, we will be focusing on being super confident with knowing our numbers to 20. In our topic areas we will be looking at seasonal changes that happen in autumn within Geography and Science; thinking about grandparents in History and studying Paul Klee in Art.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Kits will be kept in the children’s lockers and sent home each half term holiday.

Homework will be set each Monday and must be returned by the following Monday.

Reading books will be handed out on a Monday but must be brought to school each day in their blue reading book bag. Children are encouraged read 3x per week.

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