Birtley East Community Primary School

Working Scientifically Mar 14, 2024

Article 30: We all have the right to a good quality education.

This week in Nursery the children have had a wonderful ‘ TIME’ exploring British Science Week. The children had a wonderful experience exploring the ingredients and colourings in a range of sweets. The children decided to experiment using brightly coloured ‘ Skittles.’
Using milk, brushes and a large tuff tray the children were encouraged to sort and count the sweets into sets based on their colour. The pupils were able to identify the different groups for sorting and basic classifying. Once the children saw the milk poured into the centre of the tray the children were asked to make a range of verbal predictions and asked a range of questions. The children were so fascinated by their observations that they decided to take a closer look! They could not believe what they were seeing and observing. As soon as the green skittles were placed into the milk the food dye and colourings began to run and disperse into the liquid milk. It was mesmerising to see the solid skittles effecting the colour of the milk and observing the changes. The colour of the milk changed in seconds!