Birtley East Community Primary School

School Staff

As of September 2024, staff are deployed in school as set out below.

Where a Teaching Assistant is indicated, this may be for the full timetable or part of the timetable as some TAs will work in more than one class.

Class NameĀ  Teaching Staff Support Staff
Nursery Mrs Rebecca Linfield Miss Naomi Armstrong and Miss Helen Farrer
Reception Mrs Jodie Nicholson Mrs Hayley Paylor
Year 1 Mrs Olivia McGill Ms. Monique Riley
Year 2 Mrs Alison Edwards Mrs Deb Donnelly
Year 3

Mrs Claire Siddall

Mrs Jane Proud

Miss Sarah Azim and Miss Catherine Haswell
Year 4 Mrs Ruth Small Miss Sarah Azim and Miss Catherine Haswell
Year 5 Mrs Ellen Spencer Mrs Amy Ward
Year 6 Miss Emma Pickersgill Mrs Amanda Wilson

PPA and Leadership Cover Teacher: Mrs Proud

Mrs Small

Sports and OPaL Lead

School Leadership Team

Miss Anna Diggle


Mrs E Pickersgill

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Rebecca Linfield

Foundation Stage Leader

Miss Emma Pickersgill


Administrative and Support Staff

Mrs Michelle Leighton

School Business Manager

Miss Ella Smith

Business Admin Apprentice

Mr Chris Willoughby


Mrs Corrina Poole

Family Support Worker

Mrs Margaret Lewis

Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant

Mrs Leila Jackson

Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant

Mrs Maureen Haswell

Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant