Birtley East Community Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

This is an exciting time as the children begin their journey into Key Stage 2! 

 Mrs Siddall teaches in class four days per week, with Mrs Proud teaching year 3 all day on a Wednesday. We also have the support of Ms Azim and Ms Haswell too. 

This Autumn term, the children will continue to build on their mathematical skills and develop efficient strategies for calculating mentally. We will be working hard to develop our multiplication skills, in particular our rapid recall of multiplication facts. We have some exciting texts to study in English, beginning with a poetry unit on Kennings, before we move on to The Tear Thief. We will practise our handwriting daily, to develop our joined up handwriting writing skills. 

See our long term curriculum plan to discover what other exciting units we are covering this term.

Our PE days are a Tuesday and Friday, so please ensure children have their kit in school on these days. They can be left in lockers inbetween PE days. 

Reading books must be read and signed at least three separate times per week and spellings must also be practised in their spelling book three times per week. Homework will be set on Doodle Learning, which can be accessed either online or by downloading the app. The children have their password for this inside of their homework book. 

We also encourage children to access Numbots and Rockstars regularly to develop their arithmetic skills. 

We look forward to working with the children this year as they mature and develop their skills and talents. 

Mrs Siddall & Mrs Proud

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