Birtley East Community Primary School


The history curriculum is enquiry based. Children learn about periods in history through asking and answering historical questions. Wherever possible, history teaching takes place using concrete objects and visits to significant places.

Progression in history at our school involves developing historical perspective through…

  • wider, more detailed and chronologically secure knowledge
  • sharper methods of enquiry and communication
  • deeper understanding of more complex issues and of abstract ideas
  • closer integration of history’s key concepts
  • greater independence in applying all these qualities.

At Birtley East our long arc study is the returning theme of rivers, ships and the sea; the impact of coast and rivers on the history of the North East. In KS2 this is predominantly taught through the study of Invaders and Settlers in North East England, their impact and legacy. This influences the substantive concepts that are introduced to children and their importance within our curriculum.

Information is included below about how our history curriculum is designed. Alternatively, click the link at the end of this paragraph to open this information up as a separate file.

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