Birtley East Community Primary School

RE and Collective Worship

Article 2 You have the right to protection against discrimination. This means that nobody can treat you badly because of your colour, sex or religion, if you speak another language, have a disability, or are rich or poor.

Article 12 You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously.

Article 13 You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing, unless it breaks the rights of others.

Article 14 You have the right to think what you like and be whatever religion you want to be, with your parents’ guidance.

Article 28 You have the right to education.

Article 29 You have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s rights and values and to respect the environment

Article 30 If you come from a minority group, because of your race, religion or language, you have the right to enjoy your own culture, practise your own religion, and use your own language.

At Birtley East Primary School our religious education curriculum intends to provide opportunities for all children to learn and achieve, regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability.  We aim to promote their self-esteem and emotional well-being and to help them form and maintain positive  relationships, based on respect for themselves and others.

Through our religious education curriculum children are able to develop their understanding and reflect on what it means to have a faith while also developing their own spiritual knowledge.

As a school we believe the role of religious education is to help prepare and equip all children for life in contemporary Britain by enabling them to acquire a good level of religious literacy. This means to gain an understanding of the diverse beliefs and religious practices of our faith communities, to understand the secular world view held by a number of people in our society, and to respect the right of all people to make these very personal choices.

The images below give further information about our RE curriculum, this is also available here:

Regular assemblies and celebrations of religious and non-religious festivals and events are implemented alongside weekly Religious Education lessons. This enables our children to celebrate the diversity of the wider community, including their beliefs, traditions, culture, language and history. Our assembly plan for the current school year is available here:

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