Birtley East Community Primary School

Role of the Governing Body and Becoming a Governor

Role, Functions and Responsibility

The Birtley East Primary School Governing Body is accountable to the School’s parents, pupils and staff, the Secretary of State for Education and the Local Authority for the effective strategic development of the school, its governance and stewardship of the school’s finances. To achieve this, the Governing Body works closely with the Headteacher and the Senior Management Team.

Article 3: The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children. 

What does the Governing Body do?

They are involved in key decisions, such as setting the school’s aims, strategic planning, appointing teachers, setting school policies, supporting, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the school, agreeing how the school will spend its budget and that the school meets its statutory obligations. It also oversees the resolution of any complaints raised with the school.

How does the Governing Body Operate?

The Governing Body meets as a full cohort at least three times a year when school business and issues are discussed and acted upon. There are also sub-committees which are made up of members from the full body which meets on a regular basis. These committees help to manage particular aspects of the day-to-day running of the school. They consider management issues and make recommendations to present to the full body for action as necessary. The Chair of the Governing Body meets with the Headteacher on a weekly basis to discuss any immediate issues. Governors are involved in the life of the school and visit the school regularly. Sometimes the focus of the visit is to monitor the impact of initiatives, the quality of teaching and learning, behaviour, etc. After such visits they write a short report of their findings to share with the governing body.

The Governing Body Values

The Governing Body will comply with the ‘Governing Body Best Practise’ and serve the school’s interests with the utmost honesty and integrity. They work with the Headteacher and their staff to ensure the success of the school.

Becoming a Governor

The Governing Body is always ready to welcome applications from individuals who wish to consider serving on the body in particular; parents with children at the school who feel that they have some time which they would like to contribute to the life of the school. People from the local community who do not have children at the school but have an interest in the school can also apply to become Co-opted Governors and we very much welcome such applications. If you feel that such a position is something you would like to consider then please get in touch with the school office, the Headteacher or a member of the Governing Body for further advice and information.

July 2023

We currently have one co-opted governor vacancy.