Birtley East Community Primary School

School Meals

A team of teachers, teaching assistants, class councillors from each year group and school governors work alongside the local authority to promote a healthy attitude to lifestyles for our children. We have worked alongside various professions and outside agencies to give our children a full and wide curriculum. Dentists, nurses, sports coaches have visited our school to work with the children. School meals are varied, nutritious and the children are encouraged and advised to make healthy choices! After school clubs ensure the children are kept active and develop an interest in physical activities. We have catered for the children’s emotional needs by employing staff who can work alongside the children to ensure emotional well being. In all, we are pleased to say we are a very health conscious school!

Each morning, children select their meal choice from an interactive display; they can view the meals available so they know what they are choosing. At home, parents can use their Parentpay log in to view and book meals in advance.

Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health and the right to nutritious food.

Click on the link below for tips on packed lunches:

Click on the link below for the school meals menu:

Primary school meals – Gateshead Council

From April 2023, the cost of a school meal is £3 per day. Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to a free meal regardless of family circumstances.

If you think you are entitled to Free School Meals for your child then information can be found here: 

Free school meals – Gateshead Council 

Nursery Hot Meals 

We are able to offer Nursery children who stay in school over lunchtime a school meal. These are £2.35 per meal from April 2023 and need to be ordered and paid for via our school office.