Birtley East Community Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

We have a very exciting start to this academic year in Year 4 with lots of exciting things to look forward to. Mrs Small is our class teacher and we will have support from Miss Azim and Miss Hanwell. On a Thursday afternoon Mrs Wilson will be in teaching every week.

We will be recapping and extending our understanding and knowledge in all areas of reading, writing and maths with lessons every day. Children should read at home at least 3 times per week and this should be recorded in their planner.

In Science we will be beginning with the topic of ‘states of matter’ where we will be carrying out lots of tasks and experiments to deepen our existing knowledge and understanding. We will be beginning our art this year by studying a local North-East textile artist who creates images using a range of media. ‘How did Christianity come to the Kingdom of Northumbria?’ is our history topic which I’m sure will fill the children’s heads with lots of fascinating facts.

Our PE days will be Monday and Thursday this year and we will be developing our ability and skill in netball and gymnastics as well as developing our mindfulness too. Children must come to school with their PE kit and footwear on both of these days.

Homework and spellings will be set every Monday. Homework tasks will be recorded in the children’s planners should be completed before the following Monday and spellings should be practised regularly in their spelling book.

Year 4, Let’s get started!