Welcome to Reception
In Reception, we are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children actively learn through play, where they are able to freely explore and make their own choices both indoors and outdoors. Throughout the year we will be developing our learning through general themes. The autumn term will focus on all about me, the spring term is creatures and the summer term is out and about in the environment. These are broad themes and learning will take place to follow the children’s interests and needs. Watch out for further information on our website and in your child’s home learning journal.
There are four key themes in the foundation stage curriculum, which are taught and assessed through adult led and child initiated activities. These key themes are: A Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Learning and Development and Enabling Environments. These themes reinforce the child being at the centre of our practice and the importance of the learning environment meeting their individual needs and interests. There are seven key areas that we focus on in Early Years. These areas are: Communication and Language, where we look at how children listen, understand and speak; Physical Development, where we look at children’s large and small movements as well as how they look after themselves; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, where we look at children’s likes and dislikes and how they interact with others and Literacy, where we look at how children read and write. This will be supported throughout the year through the teaching of phonics; Mathematical Development, where we look at how children use their shape and number knowledge in their play; Understanding The World, where we think about people who help us and how things work and change and Expressive Arts and Design, where we look at how children use their imagination to develop their own media and materials. In Reception, we value the characteristics of effective learning at the upmost importance because for children to learn well, they must approach opportunities with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm. Effective learning must be meaningful to a child, so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in new situations. These abilities and attitudes of strong learners will support them to learn well and make good progress in all the Areas of Learning and Development.
Children will learn how to read and write using phonics through our Little Wandle scheme. Reading books, phonic sound sheets and common words which children need to be able to read will be sent home every day and will be changed on a Friday. Your child will need to return their reading folder into school every day. Home learning grids are in your child's home learning journal. Please support your child to complete the tasks.
PE will take place on a Monday; please make sure their PE kit is in school.
Please feel free to see Mrs Nicholson or Mrs Paylor if you have any questions about your child’s time in Reception.