Birtley East Community Primary School

Governing Body Strategic Plan

The Birtley East Primary School Governing Body works to ensure that the children who attend the school are nurtured and cared for, and are given the best start in life.

They work to ensure that the school provides a high quality of education with excellent teaching and learning and a stimulating range of extra-curricular activities, thereby, ensuring that every child has the provision to achieve their full potential. By doing so, this prepares them for the next steps in their education, enabling them to contribute in a positive manner to life in the local community.

Part of the Governing Body’s core strategic function is to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and staff and to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent. This will be achieved by rigorous monitoring of the School Development Plan, School Improvement Plan and pupil data.

Teachers will be provided with appropriate professional development and monitored to ensure that the teaching they deliver is of the highest standard. The Governing Body is itself responsible for ensuring that the training of its own individual members is regularly updated and that self-assessment appraisal and skills audits are completed on an annual basis.

Article 3: The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children. 

Objectives for 2023 – 2024

  1. To set and monitor the Strategic Development and performance of the school.
  2. To maintain pupil numbers at the school.
  3. To ensure the school provides excellent teaching and learning opportunities by attracting and retaining well qualified and motivated staff.
  4. To use the Pupil Premium funding to its best possible effect to ensure increased access to additional resources for those who need it.
  5. To use the Sporting Grant to involve all children in fitness and fun sporting activities and for the training of staff in coaching where appropriate.
  6. To continue as part of the Healthy Schools programme.
  7. To continue to give children the opportunity to develop themselves beyond the formal curriculum.
  8. To ensure effective financial management of the school.
  9. To ensure that the school continues to provide a safe and welcoming environment for pupils, staff and visitors alike.
  10. To ensure effective governance of the school.
  11. To provide for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) of the children.
  12. To consolidate and build upon the ‘good’ grading from Ofsted achieved during Summer 2019.
  13.  To continue to provide any additional support required by the Headteacher and staff following the pandemic.
  14.  Ensure that the health and wellbeing of the children and staff are always at the forefront of our minds and offer support where necessary.

Action plan:

  • That the School Self Evaluation Form (SEF), which forms part of the School
  • Improvement Plan, is updated regularly.
  • That the Schools Improvement Plan (SIP) is monitored regularly.
  • The school’s finances are monitored and that the school remains within budget.
  • That data provided by the school, LA and DfE is monitored and actioned as necessary.
  • The career development and training of teachers and teaching assistants is continual and relevant.
  • Teaching is monitored to ensure the highest quality possible.
  • The school remains a safe environment for the staff and children.
  • Governors attend relevant training to continue their effectiveness.
  • Governors complete and update a Self Appraisal by September 2025.