Birtley East Community Primary School

Advent: A time to prepare in the Early Years Dec 15, 2023

Article 29 ~ We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

What is Advent? Here’s everything you need to know…

It’s December and the build up to Christmas is underway in Birtley East Nursery but what is Advent and why do people celebrate this special time of year?

Advent is an important part of the Christian calendar. It means ‘coming’ and it’s the period before Christmas which celebrates the birth of Jesus. It is all about preparing for Christmas Day. Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to the 30th November – four weekends before Christmas.
Christians around the world focus on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe to be the son of God. Services will take place in church, carols will be sung and special Nursery Nativity songs will be shared and performed alongside parents. Many schools across the United Kingdom may hold Christmas plays and services.
In Nursery this week and throughout December the children have been very busy preparing for the special Christmas season. From baking to cleaning the home corner, adding nursery decorations and putting up a new Nursery Christmas tree… the children have been extremely busy!
This week the children have enjoyed making a range of Christmas cards and a special Christmas decoration for their families. As a Nursery class we have also explored the traditional Christmas story based on the birth of Jesus. On Wednesday the 20th December the Nursery class will share some special Christmas songs with their parents in the morning. We can’t wait to celebrate with you all!