Birtley East Community Primary School

The Best Diwali Ever: Festival of Lights Nov 7, 2023

Article 28: You have the right to access a good quality education.
Throughout this week in Nursery all of the children have explored different festivals of light. On the return to school following Bonfire Night on Sunday, many of the children were very keen to talk about and share their news linked to fireworks and sparklers. The children in ‘Welcome’ circle time were so happy to talk and chat about their special families, loved ones and autumn light displays.
This week the children will also have the opportunity to research and explore the religious festival Diwali. The festival gets it name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that communities light outside their homes. This special festival and celebration is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christian communities. Diwali is often celebrated over five key days. In Nursery this week the children have explored a range of lanterns, small lights and candles. They have also had the opportunity to make their own small diva dough lamp. In addition the children have enjoyed exploring a range of beautiful, Rangoli patterns.
In addition we enjoyed some sweet Diwali treats in snack time. We also sampled some delicious mini Diwali poppadoms. We all thoroughly enjoyed the new, story book –